Lingotek translation experts are continually sharing their knowledge and experience here. Be sure to subscribe and stay up-to-date on everything related to content creation and translation.
What is a Translation Management System? Language Tech 101
A high-quality Translation Management System (TMS) is the cornerstone of a well-run localization program. Just ask any TMS vendor! But, what problems are solved by a TMS? Let’s explore the answer by considering the least complicated scenario you’ll face: a document...
Intento Integration Complete
Lingotek & Intento Integration San Francisco, CA, March 25, 2021 – Intento and Lingotek, leaders in enterprise AI integration and enterprise translation management respectively, announce a new partnership and incorporation of Intento’s AI-driven MT solutions into...
Business Innovation Starts at the Bottom
Over the years, I have been involved in some extremely innovative companies. I’ve learned that rarely do the truly great ideas come from “the top.” So, at Lingotek, we embrace an Agile software development lifecycle that encourages collaboration across the entire...
Help! I was taken out of context !?!?
Almost every other day, you hear from a politician, a celebrity, a sports athlete, and everyone on social media saying "they were taken out of context." It is typically related to past interviews, tweets, posts, and yes, even articles. The definition of "to take...
Is Domestic Translation Worth It? Only If You Like Making Money.
Companies tend to start thinking about content translation only when international expansion is looming. At least, that is the trend in these here United States. You may want to consider the 2.6 trillion reasons why translation should be part of the business plan long...
Announcing Support for Amazon Translate
Lingotek is proud to announce the availability of Amazon Translate as a machine translation engine option in the Lingotek Translation Management System (TMS). The Lingotek TMS powers workflow automation of key tasks in the localization process. Amazon Translate...
Finding the Right Partner – Language Services Providers (Part 1 of 3)
Is your translation service provider a strategic partner or merely another vendor? The distinction is key as managing another vendor can become another full-time job, draining valuable resources. With the thousands of translation and language service providers, it’s...
Aligning Content with Local Preference
Businesses must meet the speed at which culture shifts. Doing so in a global market requires time-sensitive, rapid response partners who understand the nuances of sociopolitical shifts. Premium localization is no longer just a competitive advantage — it has become a...
Plan, Don’t Panic, Because of Scary Google Translate Headlines
All machine translation engines have shortcomings. Think about these issues and have a plan before using MT to translate your content.
Don’t Be Like Joe
Meet Joe. Joe manages localization for the DMV, and his translation just made the new driver's manual. For some, making national or even international headlines is a dream come true, but probably not as a bad translation meme, right? Here are some tips on how to...
The Challenges of Content Marketing in a Global Market
Marketers often find themselves at the forefront of a company’s global expansion and responsible for creating a strategy to reach customers in target countries. While an exciting opportunity, going multinational is also a huge challenge for those tasked with...
Translation: Just the Beginning of Localization
Now more than ever, people crave the familiar. Consumer markets have been on the trajectory of rejecting standardization and being drawn to customization. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for localization even further. Large-scale enterprises know that...